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How To: Create Sustainable Happiness

Updated: Apr 1, 2022

Happiness or wanting to be happy seems to be an overcomplicated mess for most people. For a lot of us, happiness comes in at 5pm on a Friday but then buggers off on Sunday afternoon. If this is you, read on because these simple ideas may help you find happiness easier and more often than just on the weekend.

Chose to be happy

Happiness is a choice most people are unknowingly choosing against. Happiness doesn't come with the new car, big house or perfect body like it seems from all the celebrities and social media influencers.

You don't need a big story of success where you end up with the 'perfect life' to finally feel happy.

A key factor for creating happiness all depends on what you give your attention to. This has nothing to do with who you are or what you've got. The empowering truth to this is that in any moment you can shift your focus onto something supportive to create happiness.

Be truely grateful

The grandaddy of happiness is gratitude. Gratitude helps you shift your perspective away from what you don't have, toward what you do. It is truely as simple as it sounds, but the issue may be that most of us have had years, decades even, of only focusing on what we don't have. But don't worry, the power of gratitude will always win.

Start by writing down 10 things you're grateful each day. Be patient and thoughtful about what you write and reflect on how important those things are to you.

“I am happy because I’m grateful. I choose to be grateful. That gratitude allows me to be happy.” - Will Arnett

Do what you love everyday

This doesn't mean you have to have your dream job to be happy, it means that you spend a few minutes each day doing your thing. For example; creating something, fixing something, exercising, gaming, cooking, catching up with mates or even playing with your pet. Everyone has their own happy space and it makes the world a difference when you go there daily.

Accept where you're at

If you can't accept and appreciate where you're at right now, you never will be able to. Neglecting where you are or who you are is a surefire way to stay miserable. Find a way to give yourself credit for everything you've accomplished and overcome. This will help brighten up your internal world and set you up to feel good about yourself.

Don't chase happiness

The travelling treasure hunters ventured across the globe looking for riches but after years of searching they ended up coming back home with nothing. But then found gold in their backyard.

You already have everything you need to be happy and you won't find true happiness for yourself in anything else or anyone else.

The last secret to happiness is to not chase happiness itself. Pursue meaning and happiness will find you.

There are no secrets to happiness

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